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Robin French

1978-Present Day

Born: Birmingham, 1978


Robin Fench was born in Birmingham and educated at Cambridge. His first play, Bear Hug, won the Royal Court Young Writer’s Festival and was produced at the Royal Court in 2004 where it earned an extended run. As well as developing film projects French often writes for television.


Gilbert is Dead

Gilbert is Dead

Year: 2007

Staged in: Bush Theatre; 1972

Red Helicopter, The

Red Helicopter, The

Year: 2013

Staged in: Arcola Theatre

Breakfast Hearts / Choirplay

Breakfast Hearts / Choirplay

Year: 2007

Staged in: Theatre 503

Bear Hug

Bear Hug

Year: 2004

Staged in: Royal Court Theatre


Bear Hug

Bear Hug

Year: 2004

Publisher: Royal Court Theatre

Gilbert is Dead

Gilbert is Dead

Year: 2009

Publisher: Methuen Drama

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