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Saturn Returns

Year staged: 2022

Opening night: 21/04/2022

Theatre Company: Gateway Arts

Staged in: Brixton House

Cast Size: 2


Saturn Returns enwraps modern psychological issues of being trapped in repeating self-destructive patterns with a spiritual affirming circularity of rebirth along family lineage that is a feature of Igbo mythology. Through music, spoken word and dance, Saturn Returns contrasts Christian notions of redemption through suffering, with mystical notions of escaping the constraining mortal realm through astral projection.

Original Cast

Rudzani Moleya


Durassie Kiangangu


Production Team

Sonnya Nwachukwu

Playwright / Director

Ffion Campbell-Davies

Movement Director / Sound Designer

Michael Peter Johnson

Creative Producer

Natalie Cooper


Floyd Konde


John R Gordon

Dramaturg / Publisher

Jessie Huckin

Set Designer

Ben Glover

Video Designer

Masuma Rahim


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