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Say Hallelujah

By Jimi Rand

Year staged: 1977

Theatre Company: Keskidee Arts Centre; 1970

Staged in: Keskidee Arts Centre

Cast Size: 10


Say Hallelujah is a comedy set around the day to day exploits of a long suffering West Indian shopkeeper D’Coursey and his zany family. D’Coursey’s daughter aspires to be a famous actress, while his son plots a street revolution. His wife is forming a close bond with a clergyman, and her newfound religious duties involve moving her husband’s shop stock to the vestry. All the while the lodger, a lawyer in training, makes every family matter a great deal more complicated with their philosophies. One day, when a prayer meeting turned argument in the living room seemingly sends a pregnant customer into labour, decisions have to be made as to the family’s future.

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Say Hallelujah

Publisher: J. Rand

Year published: 1988

Original Cast

Witty Forde

Boy Blue

Allister Bain


Locita Lijertwood


Sherry Reid


Nadia Cattouse


Queenie Cavette


Merdelle Jordine


Christopher Gilbert


Anton Phillips


Imruh Caesar

Reverend Stephens

Production Team

Malcolm Frederick


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