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Swamp Dweller's, The

By Wole Soyinka

Year staged: 1975

Opening night: 13/03/1975

Theatre Company: Keskidee Arts Centre; 1970

Staged in: Keskidee Arts Centre

Cast Size: 8


In an agricultural village on the Niger Delta, Alu and Makuri await the return of their sons from the big city, to harvest their crops. Only one son – Igwezu – returns, having lost everything. When he checks the fields, they have been flooded. A blind beggar arrives with a scheme to make profit from the ruined crops, but is turned away by the family as to not disrespect their serpent deity and patron of the lands. The high-priest to the serpent deity hears of the possible profits, and begins to betray his faith, while the blind beggar pushes Igwezu to question the priest’s motives. 

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Swamp Dweller's, The

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Year published: 1973

Production Team

Yemi Ajibade


Additional Materials


Ref: JLR/2/5/3

George Padmore Institute

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