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The Kola Nut Does Not Speak English

By Tania Nwachukwu

Year staged: 2022

Opening night: 28/11/2022

Staged in: The Bush Theatre

Cast Size: 2


Tasha needs to tell us a story. About her life, the North West London flat where she grew up, and the houseplants she can’t keep alive. Suddenly, the distance between herself and the generations of green-fingered Igbo women that came before her feels greater than ever. The Storyteller cuts in – she has a story to tell too. The story of Eze and the Kola tree. A story she needs us to hear. Especially now, when the tree is struggling to survive and the fruit that holds the memories of its people dating back centuries could be lost forever.

Original Cast

Tania Nwachukwu


Francesca Amewudah-Rivers


Tania Nwachukwu


Francesca Amewudah-Rivers


Production Team

Laura Howard

Lighting Designer

Bella Kear

Sound Designer

Georgia Wilmot


Ewa Dina


Laura Howard

Lighting Designer

Bella Kear

Sound Designer

Georgia Wilmot


Ewa Dina


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