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Trials of Brother Jero, The

By Wole Soyinka

Year staged: 1966

Theatre Company: Hampstead Theatre

Staged in: Hampstead Theatre

Cast Size: Unknown


Self-styled prophet and con artist Brother Jero preaches to a diminishing congregation of “customers”. He pretends to live as a prophet on the beach. His trials take place over a single day. He tries to convert a Member of Parliament to his teachings. His old mentor berates him. Jero rails against trouble caused by women, whom he calls ‘daughters of despair’. These ‘troubles’ include; the young girl who walks by each morning to Jero’s repeated temptation, and a creditor pursuing him for money, who turns out to be the wife of his protégé, which leads to Jero’s unmasking – another crisis needing his quick wits to sidestep.

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Trials of Brother Jero, The

Publisher: Eyre Methuen

Year published: 1973

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